Barnsley FC Helping Hashim Show How Disability is not a barrier to Success

Hashim is furthering his education and improving his employment prospects through his Football Club. Hashim also has a goal to help others enjoy the benefits of sport. Hashim is studying for a Foundation Degree in Community Football Coaching and Development with Barnsley FC’s charity, Reds in the Community.

Hashim has been deaf all his life having contracted an ear infection at just a few months old. But, for him it is not something that negatively impacts his life, a mindset he wants to pass onto others.

Operating through the University of South Wales (USW), the two-year degree course is run in partnership with the ¹ú²úÎÞÂë Trust in order to develop the required skills and experiences to operate as a professional coach or work in community sport. The degree offers work-based learning with Reds in the Community and allows learners to tailor their interests and gain practical, hands on experience.

Through this, those students studying at Barnsley can continue get hands on experience of the whole range of the Clubs charity’s work. This method of learning really appealed to Hashim especially as he would get to be involved in Reds in the Community’s excellent disability sports programme.

Having started the USW course during the COVID-19 pandemic. This presented more challenges for Hashim with so much work taking on-line. However, he always stayed positive and did everything he could to remove any barriers and be the best he can be.

He explained: “Learning online was difficult for me. As a Deaf person, I prefer to work face to face. I had to work doubly hard compared to my hearing peers. USW and Reds in the Community have been so supportive at every step. The lecturers check in to see if I need anything and to let me know what support is available to me. I just try to get on as normally as I can – if there is a barrier, I put the effort in and try to break it down.”

Hashim is also a talented footballer and also aspires to succeed in his playing career. He currently representing Farsley Celtic Deaf FC, who have just won the English Deaf Football Challenge Cup, and the England Deaf Team. However, it is clear above all Hashim wants to provide the support, guidance, and inspiration to younger hearing-impaired individuals to ensure they can succeed, without their hearing impairment becoming a barrier.

He explained: “I think about younger Deaf people coming through and I would advise them to work hard, try and be the best they can be, always thinking that next step. If there’s any barriers, find the support available. I’m happy to help anyone who wants to get in touch.”